The Rapist

Young lady walk's often down town late hours. By every corner she wonders if there is a rapist waiting for her, someone. She wonders if that's a normal wonder... But she want's to be prepared if that would happend sometimes. These things happends. She thougt that if she would be prepared then she could act like she knew this was comingand play along, if she agrees with this, having sex with that person, he wouldn't be raping her. It would be just sudden sex. She would not have to fight against him. OR she thought that if she just said to him kindly "would you mind not tore my clothes of, just tak'em of, I like my clothes" then she could were these clothes again, if she'd want to, maby they'd keep this moment alive, wich she'd probably rather want. But the bright site is that she wouldn't look like homeless girl on her way home. She also thought that if she'd act like she was not surprised and played along like she'd want to have sex with that person the person, the radist would maby be confused and thing "I'm a rapist, I raip women's and men's but in this case she want's it, wich means I woun't raip this young beautiful lady" and he's take off and leave. She'd bee free and VERY proud of her reactions.It’s often said that you get what you think ofIf you think of it a lot.Thank the Lord that she’d been thinging about thisa lot.So she’d know what to do!And go on with her life...


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